Saturday, November 3, 2007

21 days out

Not to worry, the social security situation worked it self out. Turns out the 2005 tax from my employer at the time had my social security number on it, and was an acceptable form of identification. So the marriage license has been procured without me having to resort to showing the clerk each photo album I have ever arranged. We also had our last meeting with the priest. Our compatibility "test" came back "positive" so he is going to marry us. That is actually quite a relief, the ceremony is a huge part of the day!

So otherwise we are continuing to enjoy these last weeks before the wedding. We're busy, but we're also really excited. For me, at some points over the summer, I just wasn't wanting to deal with wedding minutiae and wondering why we didn't just elope. Now that it's right the corner, I'm so happy we're having this more traditional type of wedding. I feel so blessed that so many of our family and friends will be there when we say our vows.

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