Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I've been nesting since my senior year of college. Before this time, I didn't see the allure of matching dishes or high thread count sheets. Now, Crate & Barrel is a good friend of mine. Chris and I are having a good time decorating and updating our own little nest, which is why I was so excited this morning to see a little bird and her family who have taken up residence on our property as well. I'm afraid to say, I think she might be a teen aged mother because both the nest construction and the location leave something to be desired. I noticed her with a worm in her mouth and looked up and there on the corner of the garage, over the sensor light was the nest. Things are hanging off of it and it looks a little precarious, but still it totally made my morning.

We are having fun in the yard. I'm happy to report the lettuce made it through the frost snap and we've enjoyed a couple super-fresh salads and yummy sandwich toppers. We didn't see the house until June last year, so it's been fun to watch how Spring develops here. There are several bulbs which I didn't plant. The hostas came back with a flourish. I noticed little green sprouts coming up under the pine tree. I thought they were more hostas, but were pleased to find out a few days later were really Lily of the Valley - this has always been one of my favorite plants.

So all and all, in spite of a few surprises, all the nests around here seem to be doing fine.

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